Eric Lenze

Eric Lenze

Head of the Department of Psychiatry & Wallace and Lucille K Renard Professor of Psychiatry

Showing: All results
Steven Mennerick

Steven Mennerick

Professor of Psychiatry

Miguel Minaya

Miguel Minaya

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Neha Navsaria Navsaria

Neha Navsaria Navsaria

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Elliot Nelson

Elliot Nelson

Professor of Psychiatry

Ginger Nicol

Ginger Nicol

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Kevin Noguchi

Kevin Noguchi

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Brendan O'Connor

Brendan O’Connor

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Akinkunle Owoso

Akinkunle Owoso

Professor of Psychiatry

Michele Pergadia

Michele Pergadia

Professor of Psychiatry

Michael Perino

Michael Perino

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Susan Perlman

Susan Perlman

Professor of Psychiatry

Marco Pignatelli

Marco Pignatelli

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Rumi Price

Rumi Price

Professor of Psychiatry

John Pruett

John Pruett

Professor of Psychiatry

Darin Quach

Darin Quach

Instructor in Psychiatry

Tahir Rahman

Tahir Rahman

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Alex Ramsey

Alex Ramsey

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Mary Katherine Ray

Mary Katherine Ray

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Angela Reiersen

Angela Reiersen

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

John Rice

John Rice

Professor of Mathematics in Psychiatry

Thomas Richardson

Thomas Richardson

Professor of Psychiatry

Cynthia Rogers

Cynthia Rogers

Blanche F Ittleson Professor of Psychiatry

Max Rosen

Max Rosen

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Frank Saccone

Frank Saccone

Professor of Psychiatry

Rebecca Schwarzlose

Rebecca Schwarzlose

Assistant Professor in Psychiatry

Hongjin Shu

Hongjin Shu

Instructor in Psychiatry

Judith Skala

Judith Skala

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Timothy Spiegel

Timothy Spiegel

Associate Professor of Psychiatry