Frank Saccone

Frank Saccone

Professor of Psychiatry

Education & Training

    • PhD: Brown University, Providence, RI, 1995
  • BA: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 1990
  • Research Interests

    I am interested in statistical genetics and bioinformatics. I am currently working on methods of integrating genomic databases into the design, analysis and interpretation of SNP association studies of human disease. While these methods are general and can be applied to any disease, I am primarily interested in nicotine dependence, alcoholism and other addiction related phenotypes.

    Key Publications







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    Funded Research Projects

    NIDA (PI): Design and Interpretation of SNP Association Studies of Addiction
    ACS (PI): Identifying Genetic Risk Loci for Nicotine Dependence
    NCI (Key Personnel): The Collaborative Genetic Study of Nicotine Dependence
    NIMH (Key Personnel): NIMH Center for Collaborative Genetic Studies – Data Analysis
    NIDA (Key Personnel): The Genetics of Vulnerability to Nicotine Addictions
    NIAAA (SUNY)(Key Personnel): Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism
    NIDA (Key Personnel): Case Control Candidate Gene Study of Addiction
    NIDA (Key Personnel): NIDA Center for Genetic Studies