Additional Titles & Roles
- Scholar, Institute for Public Health
- Scholar, Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences
- Master of Population Health Sciences, Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Sciences Concentration Lead
Education & Training
- PhD: University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, Califfornia, 1988
- MPE: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis MO, 1990
Major Awards
- Independent Scientist Award -II, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
- Nihon Koteisho Kyokai Foundation Award, 2004
Areas of Clinical Interest
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma spectrum pathologies; Prevention and implementation research; mobile Health (mHealth); Human trafficking and exploitation; Psychiatric health among Veteran and military populations
Research Interests
Extending the expertise in PTSD and substance abuse, a series of studies explore the epidemiology of domestic and global trafficking in person, physical and mental health consequences of victimization, heath care sector’s role in postvention and prevention; and policy advocacy to improve comprehensive services.
Common bio-psychosocial mechanisms of PTSD and other trauma spectrum pathologies were examined with a cohort of the Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (OIF/OEF) addressessing in-deployment and post-deployment mental health (e.g., PTSD) and reintegration issues working with Missouri National Guard and the Department of Defense. For prevention and postvention implementation, a mobile mental health (mHealth) study implements e-therapies combined with a physiological censoring.
Longitudinal component: This component continues with data analysis and findings dissemination of longitudinal surveys on a national sample of Vietnam veterans and marched controls consisting of 1972 baseline, 1974 follow-up, and 1996-7 follow-up and the last followup of 2001-2006 to examine long-term effects of war exposure, drug and alcohol abuse, psychiatric disorders and life events including suicidality up to middle life.
Key Publications
- Price RK, Spitznagel, EL, Downey TJ, Meyer DJ, Risk NK, El-Ghazzawy OG: Applying artificial neural-network models to clinical decision-making. Psychological Assessment 2000; 12:40-51.
- Price RK, Risk NK, Spitznagel EL: Remission from illicit drug use over a 25-period: Patterns of remission and treatment use. Am J Pub Health 2001; 91:1107-1113.
- Price RK, Risk, NK, Haden AH, Lewis CE, Spitznagel EL: Post-traumatic stress disorder, drug dependence and suicidality among male Vietnam veterans with a history of heavy drug use. Drug Alc Dep 2004; 76:31-43.
- Sakai JT, Risk NK, Tanaka CA, Price RK. Conduct disorder among Asians and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Psychological Medicine 2008; 38:1013-1025.
- Rothman E, Chisolm-straker, Ballwin S, Price RK, Atkinson H, Stoklosa H. Public health research priorities to address US human trafficking. Am J Public Health (in press)
- Balan S, Widner G, Shroff M, van den Berk-Clark C, Sherrer J, Price RK. Drug use disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder over 25 adult years: Role of psychopathology in relational networks. Drug Alc Dep 2013; 133:228-234.
Funded Research Projects
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (Consortium PI), Research on the Nature and Scope of Trafficking In Persons (TIP) in South Africa
Washington University Institute for Public Health (PI): Human trafficking in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area
Washington University Institute for Public Health/Center for Dissemination and Implementation (PI): Feasibility and Acceptability of a Sensor-assisted E-therapy for PTSD
Washington University Institute for Public Health (PI): Child human trafficking in the St. Louis region: Policy implementation to impact the most vulnerable.
Department of Justice/OJJDP (consortium PI): The Safe & Thriving St. Louis.
Department of Justice/OJJDP (consortium PI): St. Louis Girls At Risk Initiative.