Education & Training
- Postdoctoral Fellowship: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1994
- PhD: Psychology in Education: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 1992
- MS: Child Development/Child Care: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 1983
- BS: Psychology: University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 1978
Research Interests
Dr. Madden has considerable expertise in diagnostic assessment and phenotype operationalization for genetic studies. She has a strong interest in the application of new genetic approaches in addiction research, pioneering the use of quantitative trait approaches in her own studies focused on cigarette smoking and tobacco dependence.
Her current research involves leadership of an international gene mapping project in which genetically informative data was collected from the Australian and Finnish families, to identify genes that contribute to vulnerability to dependence on nicotine and heavy smoking. This project includes extensive assessment also of alcohol use disorders and consumption patterns, because of their strong comorbidity with smoking and nicotine dependence.
In addition to her research activities, Dr. Madden has mentored several post-doctoral scholars in addiction genetics research and co-mentored many more with Dr. Andrew Heath. Together with Dr. John Rice, she co-directs a NIDA-funded R25 educational and training program which includes both US and foreign nationals for the development of statistical methods applied to addiction.
Key Publications
- Madden PA, Heath AC, Martin NG (1997 Dec). Smoking and intoxication after alcohol challenge in women and men: genetic influences. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 21(9): 1732-41.
Read publication »Smoking and intoxication after alcohol challenge in women and men: genetic influences. - Madden PA, Heath AC, Pedersen NL, Kaprio J, Koskenvuo MJ, Martin NG (1999 Nov). The genetics of smoking persistence in men and women: a multicultural study. Behav Genet. 29(6): 423-31.
Read publication »The genetics of smoking persistence in men and women: a multicultural study. - Bierut LJ, Madden PA, Breslau N, Johnson EO, Hatsukami D, Pomerleau OF, Swan GE, Rutter J, Bertelsen S, Fox L, Fugman D, Goate AM, Hinrichs AL, Konvicka K, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Saccone NL, Saccone SF, Wang JC, Chase GA, Rice JP, Ballinger DG (2007 Jan 1). Novel genes identified in a high-density genome wide association study for nicotine dependence. Hum Mol Genet. 16(1): 24-35.
Read publication »Novel genes identified in a high-density genome wide association study for nicotine dependence. - Saccone SF, Pergadia ML, Loukola A, Broms U, Montgomery GW, Wang JC, Agrawal A, Dick DM, Heath AC, Todorov AA, Maunu H, Heikkila K, Morley KI, Rice JP, Todd RD, Kaprio J, Peltonen L, Martin NG, Goate AM, Madden PA (2007 May). Genetic linkage to chromosome 22q12 for a heavy-smoking quantitative trait in two independent samples. Am J Hum Genet. 80(5): 856-66.
Read publication »Genetic linkage to chromosome 22q12 for a heavy-smoking quantitative trait in two independent samples. - Pergadia ML, Agrawal A, Loukola A, Montgomery GW, Broms U, Saccone SF, Wang JC, Todorov AA, Heikkilä K, Statham DJ, Henders AK, Campbell MJ, Rice JP, Todd RD, Heath AC, Goate AM, Peltonen L, Kaprio J, Martin NG, Madden PAF. Genetic linkage findings for DSM-IV nicotine withdrawal in two populations. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 2009; 150B: 950-959. PMC2995916.
Read publication »Genetic linkage findings for DSM-IV nicotine withdrawal in two populations. - Pergadia ML, Glowinski AL, Wray NR, Agrawal A, Saccone SF, Loukola A, Broms U, Korhonen T, Penninx BW, Grant JD, Nelson EC, Henders AK, Schrage AJ, Chou YL, Keskitalo-Vuokko K, Zhu Q, Gordon SD, Vink JM, de Geus EJ, Macgregor S, Liu JZ, Willemsen G, Medland SE, Boomsma DI, Montgomery GW, Rice JP, Goate AM, Heath AC, Kaprio J, Martin NG, Madden PAF. A 3p26-3p25 genetic linkage finding for DSM-IV major depression in heavy smoking families. Am J Psychiatry. 2011 May 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Read publication »A 3p26-3p25 genetic linkage finding for DSM-IV major depression in heavy smoking families.
Funded Research Projects
NIDA(PI): The Genetics of Vulnerability to Nicotine Addictions
NIDA(Co-PI): Research Education Program in Aspects of Statistical Genetics and Addiction
NIAAA(Key Personnel): MARC: Risk Mechanisms in Alcoholism and Comorbidity
NIDA(Key Personnel): Cannabis and Other Illicit Drug Use: A Twin Study
NIDA(Key Personnel): Cannabis and Tobacco Involvement: A Twin Study
NIAAA(Key Personnel): Alcohol Use Disorder in Young Women: Genetic Epidemiology: MOAFTS Wave 7
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