Joseph Dougherty

Joseph Dougherty

Professor of Psychiatry

Education & Training

  • Postdoctoral Training: Nathaniel Heintz, Rockefeller University, 2010
  • PhD: Neuroscience: University of California Los Angeles, 2005
  • BS: Truman State University, 1999

Major Awards

  • Highlighted as one of Genome Technology’s ‘Up and Coming Investigators’, 2012

Research Interests

My research focuses on trying to understand the genetic and cellular underpinnings of both normal behavior and psychiatric disorders, primarily autism. We combine data from human genetics studies with high througphput cell-type specific gene expression profiling to identify genes and circuits that may contribute to mental disorders, which we then test with mouse models. We are particularly focused on neuromodulatory systems and glia.

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Funded Research Projects

NIDA(Significant Contributor):Using Transgenic Mice to Examine the Role of CNIH3 Variants in Opioid Dependence
NIMH(PI):Regulation of Mammalian Social Behavior by the GTF2I Family of Proteins
NINDS(PI):Local Translation in Astrocytes
Simons Foundation(PI):4/4 SSC-ASC Whole Genome Sequencing Consortium: UTR mutation analysis
NINDS(Significant Contributor):Using Motor Neuron Specific miRNA to Understand and Develop Novel Therapeutics for Motor Neuron Disease
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation(PI):NARSAD Independent Investigator Grant
NHGRI(Significant Contributor):Massively Parallel Characterization of CIS-regulatory Elements in the Brain
Hope Center(Significant Contributor):Regulation of Stop Codon Readthrough of Aqp4 and Role in Aß Clearance
NIMH(PI):Highly Parallel Analysis of 5′ and 3′ UTR variants in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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