John Rice

John Rice

Professor of Mathematics in Psychiatry

Additional Titles & Roles

    • Co-Director, HSG program in DBBS

Education & Training

    • PhD: Mathematics: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1975
  • MA: Mathematics: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1972
  • BA: Mathematics: Cornell University, 1969
  • Research Interests

    Current research interests in my lab include method development in genetic epidemiology and the collection and analysis of family and population data on bipolar disorder, major depression, schizophrenia and substance abuse. Methodologic work includes: (i) the development of new measures of linkage disequilibrium to define SNPs for association analysis; (ii) assessing the accuracy of imputation; and (iii) developing statistical methods to assess CNV (copy number variation) prediction. I continue to apply these new techniques to a number of currently existing data sets. My emphasis has been shifting from linkage analysis using several hundred repeat markers to association analysis using 1 million SNPs in GWAS (Genome-wide Association Studies). This new trend in the genetics of complex traits represents many challenges in data management and in analysis. My lab also maintains the phenotypic component of the genetic repository for NIMH, NIDA and NIAAA. Future emphasis will be the use of statistical genetics and bioinformatics for the meta-analysis of the genetic data available.

    Key Publications







    • Lin Peng,Hartz Sarah M.,Zhang Zhehao,Saccone Scott F.,Wang Jia,Tischfield Jay A.,Edenberg Howard J.,Kramer John R.,M.Goate Alison,Bierut Laura J.,Rice John P.,Dubé Marie-Pierre,;A New Statistic to Evaluate Imputation Reliability;;
      Read publication »A New Statistic to Evaluate Imputation Reliability
    • Rice John P.,Hartz Sarah,Agrawal Arpana,Almasy Laura,Bennett Siiri,Breslau Naomi,Bucholz Kathleen K.,Doheny Kimberly F.,Edenberg Howard J.,Goate Alison M.,Hesselbrock Victor,Howells William B.,Johnson Eric O.,Kramer John,Krueger Robert F.,Kuperman Samuel,Laurie Cathy,Manolio Teri A.,Neuman Rosalind J.,Nurnberger John I.,Porjesz Bernice,Pugh Elizabeth,Ramos Erin M.,Saccone Nancy,Saccone Scott,Schuckit Marc,Bierut Laura J.,;CHRNB3 is more strongly associated with FTCD-based nicotine dependence than cigarettes per day: phenotype definition changes GWAS results;November 2012;;
      Read publication »CHRNB3 is more strongly associated with FTCD-based nicotine dependence than cigarettes per day: phenotype definition changes GWAS results
    • Xie Y, Hancock DB, Johnson EO, Rice JP, (2014 July). Two adjustment strategies for imputation across genotyping arrays. Hum. Hered.. 78(2): 73-80.
      Read publication »Two adjustment strategies for imputation across genotyping arrays.
    • Hou Liping,Bergen Sarah E.,Akula Nirmala,Song Jie,Hultman Christina M.,Landén Mikael,Adli Mazda,Alda Martin,Ardau Raffaella,Arias Bárbara,Aubry Jean-Michel,Backlund Lena,Badner Judith A.,Barrett Thomas B.,Bauer Michael,Baune Bernhard T.,Bellivier Frank,Benabarre Antonio,Bengesser Susanne,Berrettini Wade H.,Bhattacharjee Abesh Kumar,Biernacka Joanna M.,Birner Armin,Bloss Cinnamon S.,Brichant-Petitjean Clara,Bui Elise T.,Byerley William,Cervantes Pablo,Chillotti Caterina,Cichon Sven,Colom Francesc,Coryell William,Craig David W.,Cruceanu Cristiana,Czerski Piotr M.,Davis Tony,Dayer Alexandre,Degenhardt Franziska,Del Zompo Maria,DePaulo J. Raymond,Edenberg Howard J.,Étain Bruno,Falkai Peter,Foroud Tatiana,Forstner Andreas J.,Frisén Louise,Frye Mark A.,Fullerton Janice M.,Gard Sébastien,Garnham Julie S.,Gershon Elliot S.,Goes Fernando S.,Greenwood Tiffany A.,Grigoroiu-Serbanescu Maria,Hauser Joanna,Heilbronner Urs,Heilmann-Heimbach Stefanie,Herms Stefan,Hipolito Maria,Hitturlingappa Shashi,Hoffmann Per,Hofmann Andrea,Jamain Stephane,Jiménez Esther,Kahn Jean-Pierre,Kassem Layla,Kelsoe John R.,Kittel-Schneider Sarah,Kliwicki Sebastian,Koller Daniel L.,König Barbara,Lackner Nina,Laje Gonzalo,Lang Maren,Lavebratt Catharina,Lawson William B.,Leboyer Marion,Leckband Susan G.,Liu Chunyu,Maaser Anna,Mahon Pamela B.,Maier Wolfgang,Maj Mario,Manchia Mirko,Martinsson Lina,McCarthy Michael J.,McElroy Susan L.,McInnis Melvin G.,McKinney Rebecca,Mitchell Philip B.,Mitjans Marina,Mondimore Francis M.,Monteleone Palmiero,Mühleisen Thomas W.,Nievergelt Caroline M.,Nöthen Markus M.,Novák Tomas,Nurnberger John I.,Nwulia Evaristus A.,Ösby Urban,Pfennig Andrea,Potash James B.,Propping Peter,Reif Andreas,Reininghaus Eva,Rice John,Rietschel Marcella,Rouleau Guy A.,Rybakowski Janusz K.,Schalling Martin,Scheftner William A.,Schofield Peter R.,Schork Nicholas J.,Schulze Thomas G.,Schumacher Johannes,Schweizer Barbara W.,Severino Giovanni,Shekhtman Tatyana,Shilling Paul D.,Simhandl Christian,Slaney Claire M.,Smith Erin N.,Squassina Alessio,Stamm Thomas,Stopkova Pavla,Streit Fabian,Strohmaier Jana,Szelinger Szabolcs,Tighe Sarah K.,Tortorella Alfonso,Turecki Gustavo,Vieta Eduard,Volkert Julia,Witt Stephanie H.,Wright Adam,Zandi Peter P.,Zhang Peng,Zollner Sebastian,McMahon Francis J.,;Genome-wide association study of 40,000 individuals identifies two novel loci associated with bipolar disorder;;
      Read publication »Genome-wide association study of 40,000 individuals identifies two novel loci associated with bipolar disorder
    • Hung Chi-Fa,Breen Gerome,Czamara Darina,Corre Tanguy,Wolf Christiane,Kloiber Stefan,Bergmann Sven,Craddock Nick,Gill Michael,Holsboer Florian,Jones Lisa,Jones Ian,Korszun Ania,Kutalik Zoltan,Lucae Susanne,Maier Wolfgang,Mors Ole,Owen Michael J,Rice John,Rietschel Marcella,Uher Rudolf,Vollenweider Peter,Waeber Gerard,Craig Ian W,Farmer Anne E,Lewis Cathryn M,Müller-Myhsok Bertram,Preisig Martin,McGuffin Peter,Rivera Margarita,;A genetic risk score combining 32 SNPs is associated with body mass index and improves obesity prediction in people with major depressive disorder;;
      Read publication »A genetic risk score combining 32 SNPs is associated with body mass index and improves obesity prediction in people with major depressive disorder
    • Rietveld CA, Medland SE, Derringer J, Yang J, Esko T, Martin NW, Westra HJ, Shakhbazov K, Abdellaoui A, Agrawal A, Albrecht E, Alizadeh BZ, Amin N, Barnard J, Baumeister SE, Benke KS, Bielak LF, Boatman JA, Boyle PA, Davies G, de Leeuw C, Eklund N, Evans DS, Ferhmann R, Fischer K, Gieger C, Gjessing HK, Hägg S, Harris JR, Hayward C, Holzapfel C, Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Ingelsson E, Jacobsson B, Joshi PK, Jugessur A, Kaakinen M, Kanoni S, Karjalainen J, Kolcic I, Kristiansson K, Kutalik Z, Lahti J, Lee SH, Lin P, Lind PA, Liu Y, Lohman K, Loitfelder M, McMahon G, Vidal PM, Meirelles O, Milani L, Myhre R, Nuotio ML, Oldmeadow CJ, Petrovic KE, Peyrot WJ, Polasek O, Quaye L, Reinmaa E, Rice JP, Rizzi TS, Schmidt H, Schmidt R, Smith AV, Smith JA, Tanaka T, Terracciano A, van der Loos MJ, Vitart V, Völzke H, Wellmann J, Yu L, Zhao W, Allik J, Attia JR, Bandinelli S, Bastardot F, Beauchamp J, Bennett DA, Berger K, Bierut LJ, Boomsma DI, Bültmann U, Campbell H, Chabris CF, Cherkas L, Chung MK, Cucca F, de Andrade M, De Jager PL, De Neve JE, Deary IJ, Dedoussis GV, Deloukas P, Dimitriou M, Eiríksdóttir G, Elderson MF, Eriksson JG, Evans DM, Faul JD, Ferrucci L, Garcia ME, Grönberg H, Guðnason V, Hall P, Harris JM, Harris TB, Hastie ND, Heath AC, Hernandez DG, Hoffmann W, Hofman A, Holle R, Holliday EG, Hottenga JJ, Iacono WG, Illig T, Järvelin MR, Kähönen M, Kaprio J, Kirkpatrick RM, Kowgier M, Latvala A, Launer LJ, Lawlor DA, Lehtimäki T, Li J, Lichtenstein P, Lichtner P, Liewald DC, Madden PA, Magnusson PK, Mäkinen TE, Masala M, McGue M, Metspalu A, Mielck A, Miller MB, Montgomery GW, Mukherjee S, Nyholt DR, Oostra BA, Palmer LJ, Palotie A, Penninx BW, Perola M, Peyser PA, Preisig M, Räikkönen K, Raitakari OT, Realo A, Ring SM, Ripatti S, Rivadeneira F, Rudan I, Rustichini A, Salomaa V, Sarin AP, Schlessinger D, Scott RJ, Snieder H, St Pourcain B, Starr JM, Sul JH, Surakka I, Svento R, Teumer A, LifeLines Cohort Study, Tiemeier H, van Rooij FJ, Van Wagoner DR, Vartiainen E, Viikari J, Vollenweider P, Vonk JM, Waeber G, Weir DR, Wichmann HE, Widen E, Willemsen G, Wilson JF, Wright AF, Conley D, Davey-Smith G, Franke L, Groenen PJ, Hofman A, Johannesson M, Kardia SL, Krueger RF, Laibson D, Martin NG, Meyer MN, Posthuma D, Thurik AR, Timpson NJ, Uitterlinden AG, van Duijn CM, Visscher PM, Benjamin DJ, Cesarini D, Koellinger PD (2013 Jun 21). GWAS of 126,559 individuals identifies genetic variants associated with educational attainment. Science. 340(6139): 1467-71.
      Read publication »GWAS of 126,559 individuals identifies genetic variants associated with educational attainment.

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    Funded Research Projects

    NIMH (PI): Research Training in Clinical Sciences

    NIDA (Key Personnel): The Genetics of Vulnerability to Nicotine Addictions

    NIMH (Key Personnel): NIMH Center for Collaborative Genetic Studies

    NIDA (Key Personnel): Case Control Candidate Gene Study of Addiction

    NCI (Key Personnel): The Collaborative Genetic Study of Nicotine Dependence

    NIDA (Key Personnel): NIDA Center for Genetic Studies

    NIAAA (Key Personnel): Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA)

    NIDA (Key Personnel): Research Education Program in Aspects of Statistical Genetics and Addiction