Elliot Nelson

Elliot Nelson

Professor of Psychiatry

Education & Training

    • Residency: Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 1990
  • MD: University of Illinois, Peoria, IL, 1986
  • BA: Natural Science: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1982
  • Areas of Clinical Interest

    Anxiety and affective disorders

    Research Interests

    I have expertise in genetic studies of opioid and other drug dependence. I also have a strong interest in the contribution of trauma exposure to liability for psychopathology. I have conducted large investigations in these areas.

    Key Publications







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    Funded Research Projects

    NIDA(PI):Using Transgenic Mice to Examine the Role of CHIH3 Variants in Opioid Dependence
    NIDA(Co-I) Cannabis, Depression and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors
    NIAAA(Co-I):Center on Women and Alcoholism

    NIDA(PI of Center for Inherited Disease Research Project (CIDR)): A GWAS of Heroin Dependence
    NIAAA(PI): Project 7: Examining genotype x environment interaction in the context of a GWAS (P60 Lead PI: A.Heath)
    NIDA(PI):Opioid Dependence: Candidate Genes and G x E Effects
    NIAAA (& NICHD / NIMH) (PI): Childhood Trauma, Parental Alcoholism, and Comorbidity