Alexandre Todorov

Alexandre Todorov

Professor of Psychiatry

Education & Training

  • PhD: Biometry: Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, 1992
  • MEd: Health Policy: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 1988
  • BS: Mathematics: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 1985

Research Interests

Psychiatric genetics
Study design and methods for genetic epidemiological studies

Key Publications

  • Funded Research Projects

    NIAAA(Key Personnel):Molecular Epidemiology of Alcoholism 2 – Big Sibships
    NIDA(Key Personnel):Cannabis Use, Abuse and Dependence: Exploring Phenotypes
    NIAAA(Key Personnel):Midwest Alcoholism Research Center: Genetic Epidemiology of Alcoholism & Comorbidity
    NIDA(PI):Genetic Epidemiology of Opioid Dependence in Bulgaria
    NIDA(Key Personnel):Genetic Studies of Substance Abuse in Iowa Adoptees
    NICHD(Key Personnel):Autistic Traits: Life Course & Genetic Structure
    NIMH(PI):Molecular Basis of Selected GxE Effects in Combined Type ADHD
    NIMH(Key Personnel):2/5 The Psychiatric GWAS Consortium: Integrated & Coordinated GWAS Meta-Analysis
    NIMH(Key Personnel):Molecular Genetics of Inattention in Australia
    NIDA(Key Personnel):Prenatal Tobacco Exposure: Effects on Neuropsychological Outcomes and ADHD