First meeting of the IMG Wellness Initiative at WUSM

The first IMG Wellness Initiative event was held on August 30th. This initiative is led by Drs. Can Mişel Kılçıksız (Psychiatry PGY-4), Rawan Safa (Emergency Medicine), Callie Torres (Pathology), and Nadia Wattad (Pediatric Pulmonology). It is made up of residents, fellows and attendings across multiple medical specialties who aim to improve the well-being of IMG trainees at WUSM.
The first event was a success with a number of IMGs in attendance sharing their experiences as IMGs, ways their wellness can be supported and ideas for future programming. To learn more about this initiative click here. The next IMG Wellness event will take place October 25th, 5:30pm in the Schwarz Conference Room.