Denise Wilfley

Denise Wilfley

Scott Rudolph University Professor of Psychiatry, Medicine, Pediatrics, and Psychological & Brain Sciences

Additional Titles & Roles

    • Director, Weight Management & Eating Disorders Program

Education & Training

    • Postdoctoral Training: Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 1991
  • PhD: University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 1989
  • Major Awards

      • Special Government Employee member, Center for Scientific Review Advisory Council, 2018, 2019
  • Oded Bar-Or Award for Excellence in Pediatric Obesity Research, 2018
  • K24 Midcareer NIH Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
  • Clinical Care Councilor, The Obesity Society, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
  • Secretary/Treasurer, The Obesity Society – Pediatric Obesity Section, 2010, 2011
  • Vice President, The Obesity Society – Pediatric Obesity Section, 2011, 2012
  • Areas of Clinical Interest

    Etiology, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders and obesity.

    Research Interests

    Dr. Wilfley’s program of research centers on the causes, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders and obesity among children, adolescents, and adults. Current programs of research include: (1) the classification, characterization, assessment, and risk factors of eating and weight disorders; (2) the development of effective treatments for individuals suffering from eating disorders and obesity; and (3) the development of innovative and cost-effective methods for early intervention and prevention of eating disorders and obesity.

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    Key Publications







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    Funded Research Projects

    NIMH: R34 MH119170 (MPI)
    Leveraging Social Media to Identify and Connect Teens with Eating Disorders to a Mobile Guided Self-Help Mobile Intervention

    CDC: U18DP006425 (PI)
    Dissemination of an Evidence-Based Pediatric Weight Management Program for Use by Low Income Families: A User-Friendly Package of Family-Based Behavioral Treatment

    Washington University School of Medicine (PI)
    MyWay to Health Employee Wellness Program

    PCORI: 2017C2-7542 (PI)
    A Pragmatic Family-Centered Approach to Childhood Obesity Treatment

    NIMH: 1R01MH115128 (MPI)
    Harnessing Mobile Technology to Reduce Mental Health Disorders in College Populations

    NHLBI: 1T32HL130357-01 (PI)
    WUSTL Transdisciplinary Pre- and Postdoctoral Training Program in Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease

    NHLBI: 5U01HL131552-02 (MPI)
    The Effectiveness of Family-based Weight Loss Treatment Implemented in Primary Care

    NICHD: R01HD080292-01 (Co-I)
    Using Prospection to Improve Obesity Treatment

    Missouri Eating Disorder Council: MCCBH-2020-1-MED (PI)
    Missouri Eating Disorders 360 Program Project Coordination

    Missouri Eating Disorder Council: MCCBH-2019-1-MED (PI)
    Missouri Eating Disorders Healthy Body Image Program Project Coordination

    Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences: HU00011920029 (Co-I)
    Preventing Obesity and Eating Disorders to Improve Cardiovascular Outcomes in Active Duty Service Member

    Recently Completed

    AHRQ 1R13HS022816 (PI)
    Evidence-based Childhood Obesity Treatment: Improving Access to Systems of Care

    NIMH 1R01MH095748-01 (PI)
    Implementation of Evidence-based Treatments for On-campus Eating Disorders

    NIMH 1R01MH100455-01 (PI)
    Using Technology to Improve Eating Disorders Treatment

    NICHD 2 R01 HD036904-06 (PI)
    Childhood Obesity Treatment: A Maintenance Approach

    National Eating Disorders Association (PI)
    Harnessing Technology for Training Clinicians to Deliver Interpersonal Psychotherapy
    View NIH Research