PG YearRotationLengthNight or weekend call
1BJH Inpatient Psychiatry6 monthsRotating weeks of night shift
BJH Medicine4 monthsNone
BJH Neurology2 monthsNone
2Outpatient Specialty Clinics
(Eating Disorders, Geropsych, Perinatal, TBD)
4 blocksqWeek
Consult Service3 blocksqWeek for 2 blocks
Addiction Psychiatry2 blocksqWeek for 1 block
Selective2 blocksNone
Inpatient Psychiatry1 blockqWeek
Patient Safety Quality Improvement1 blockNone
Emergency Psychiatry1 blockMondays-Fridays
Interventional Psychiatry – Inpatient1 blockqWeek
Interventional Psychiatry – Outpatient1 blockNone
3Adult Outpatient Clinics10 months FTENone; moonlighting an option
Child Clinic2 months FTENone; moonlighting an option
4Inpatient/Consult/Outpatient Supervision4 monthsNone; moonlighting an option
Research4 monthsNone; moonlighting an option
Elective4 monthsNone; moonlighting an option
PG YearOutpatientsDidacticsMiscellaneous
1 Can arrange for optional 1-2 long-term outpatients10-week summer introductory courseGrand Rounds
Rotation-specific didacticsM&M Conference
Resident seminar seriesProfessor’s Rounds
2Can arrange for optional 2-3 long-term outpatients 12-week summer introductory courseGrand Rounds
Short-term outpatients on several rotationsRotation-specific didacticsM&M Conference
Resident seminar seriesIndividual supervision
3150-200 outpatients5-week introduction to outpatient courseGrand Rounds
Psychotherapy curriculumResearch Seminar
Child psychiatry courseM&M Conference
Outpatient psychiatry curriculumIndividual supervision
Advanced resident seminarsOutpatient case management conference
Resident seminar seriesProfessor’s Rounds
45-10 outpatients4-week summer career development courseGrand Rounds
Advanced resident seminarsResearch Seminar
Rotation-specific didacticsM&M Conference
Resident seminar seriesIndividual supervision