Author: Jamie
Smoking causes brain shrinkage (Links to an external site)

Findings help explain how smoking is linked to Alzheimer’s, dementia
November 2023 (Links to an external site)
PGY4 resident Tiffani Berkel MD PhD was the recipient of the 2024 Ruth Fox Award from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)

PGY4 resident Tiffani Berkel MD PhD was the recipient of the 2024 Ruth Fox Award from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) in recognition of her outstanding science investigating the risks and benefits of ADHD medication in pregnant people with addiction. She will receive an all-expense paid trip to the annual ASAM meeting in […]
October 2023 (Links to an external site)
Psychiatry PGY3 resident, Awuri Asuru, received the 2023 NIMH Outstanding Resident Award. (Links to an external site)